
My name is Matt. I may be possibly an avid reader who happens to live near Salt Lake City and has decided to write a few words about books. I work in Salt Lake where I design, manage, and update a website as well as undertake the mapping of uncharted territories, or maybe well charted territories. I have a lovely wife and just about the cutest daughter ever made (it’s okay to think that, right?).


  1. Hey, Matt. Just thought I’d drop by. Always enjoy your blogs and reviews.

    Take care,

  2. I’d like to subscribe to your blog’s feed, is there a way to do so? Thanks

  3. jeane – This should give you the blog feed: https://varietyofwords.wordpress.com/feed/
    Hope it works for you.

  4. Thanks for dropping by the website. I’ve got a buddy lives in Salt Lake, his names Matthias and he is in computers. Ever run into him?

    Probably not. Anyway, thanks for the kind words.

    Good luck with your blog. I’ll need to check back here often.

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